Karuna Domestic Workers Welfare Trust » Get Involved Copy

There are different ways for you to get involved with our cause.

You can donate some money which will support us greatly,
you can donate some materials such as computers, these will be installed in both the Welfare Home and Children’s Home.
The children will also greatly benefit from these kind of donations since they will be able to learn different skills which will surely be needed in this rapidly evolving technological era.

You are also more than welcome to come yourself and volunteer with us, you too will learn different skills and get a lot of experience from seeing the things we see each day.
You will no longer take things for granted and you will have a lot of stories to tell once you get back!

Please open the pdf-file below with frequently asked questions by all of our former volunteers (more than 60), 
chances are that all of the questions you have are already answered below.

Click to download – “FAQ by volunteers